Types of varicose veins
We have already talked in previous articles about what varicose veins are, what their causes are, and we have also reported on the risk factors that increase the chances of suffering from varicose veins. In this article we will review the 4 types of existing vein dilation, informing about each of them so that you can be more aware of the situation.

Before presenting the types of varicose veins, we want to remind you that this article should at no time supplant the medical diagnosis. Our recommendation is that if you have doubts, go to the corresponding place and can clear them as soon as possible.
Ocurre cuando la sangre se acumula, aumenta su presión, dilata y alarga las venas, esto hace que deba retroceder formando nudos. Lo cual altera su pared de la vena, junto a los tejidos de esa...webmediums.com
Varicose veins grade 1
This is the first stage of the appearance of varicose veins. Here the veins take a purplish color, and it is only an aesthetic problem. However, sometimes it can cause heaviness of the legs and even a feeling of fatigue.
Grade 2 varicose veins
At this stage, the heaviness and fatigue in the legs is real and in turn the purple color is stronger. This type of varicose vein is characterized by producing cramps, tingling and pain.
Varicose veins grade 3
Here the dilation in the veins becomes much more visible and the symptoms increase considerably. Changes in the color of the skin and the sensation of heat or itching may occur. Also, swelling plays a very important role at this stage.
Varicose veins grade 4
Appearance of ulcers, which can quickly become infected. That is why it is very important to go to the doctor for a correct diagnosis. Treatment will be somewhat difficult if it is not started at the beginning of the stage.
El embarazo y la piel de naranja se juntan la mayoría de las veces, sin importar el peso de la mujer. Con los cambios sufridos en el cuerpo y toda la acción de hormonas, es común que la celulitis...webmediums.com
The types of varicose veins have very marked characteristics, which facilitates the recognition process. It is essential that they take steps to prevent further development, otherwise it will go from being a simple cosmetic problem to a serious problem.