Low calorie shakes
In general, everyone in the world loves to look and feel good. That's why diets, preparations and smoothies that help us stay fit are ideal.
For this reason, in the development of this fear will be commenting on five delicious shakes, which are not only low in calories, but provide vitality and energy for the body to look and feel healthy.

The most nutritious way to take advantage of all the benefits of fruits and vegetables, it is through healthy and healthy drinks, for this reason, there is a variety of preparations and recipes for the most exquisite, sophisticated and selective tastes.
Lemon, strawberry and lime smoothies
This shake is re-enhanced with powerful ingredients and moisturizers that allow you to create a rich refreshing drink. In addition, it eliminates toxins and reduces inflammation of the liver.
Ingredients for a low calorie shake
2 Slices of pin 6 Fresh strawberries Juice of 3 lemons
Preparation for a low calorie shake
Wash the strawberries well, cut into pieces the two slices of pin, and then blend with the juice of approximately three lemons, add water if necessary, when it is well blended serve and take at least twice a day, preferably in the morning or when you feel warm.
Apple, orange, lemon, and pineapple smoothie
In this milkshake you can enjoy a diet drink, with great contribution of enzymes, fiber and antioxidants, also very low in calories.
Ingredients for a low calorie shake
Apple Orange Lemon and pineapple juice
Preparation for a low calorie shake
Cut an apple with a shell, chop 4 to 3 slices of pineapple, then place all these ingredients in the blender with approximately one glass of orange juice with a few drops of lemon.
Take it twice a day when you feel like eating so that this calls out a little anxiety.
Banana and strawberry smoothie
This shake is very comfortable when you feel very hungry, because it inhibits and helps you feel full, contains a large amount of fiber, and also controls bad cholesterol.
Ingredients for a low calorie shake
Ripe banana Frozen strawberries Almond milk
Preparation for a low calorie shake
In a blender a handful of strawberries is processed approximately four or more with a ripe banana, add the almond milk or water if necessary, when it has been well compacted, no lumps can be served and taken. It is recommended in the morning, accompanying breakfast.
Strawberry and pomegranate smoothie
When you want to accelerate the process of losing weight, this shake is very beneficial, since it only has (150) calories. It also has a large percentage of antioxidants and vitamin
Ingredients for a low calorie shake
A yogurt Four large and fresh strawberries Extract or pomegranate juice
Preparation for a low calorie shake
You should only liquefy the ingredients very well for two minutes, then serve it can decorate with lemon or orange peel
Banana, spinach and pineapple smoothie
It is a succulent smoothie full of energy substances, which avoid fatigue improve sports training.
Ingredients for a low calorie shake
Banana Spinach Pineapple Almond milk
Preparation for a low calorie shake
A ripe banana is placed in the blender, and two to three slices of pineapple, approximately five spinach leaves, along with the almond milk. Then liquefy well until it is compact, you can add ice if you prefer. It is ideal to take it before dinner, or whenever you want.
When you want to accelerate the process of losing weight, this shake is very beneficial, since it only has (150) calories. It also has a large percentage of antioxidants and vitamin C, essential for the body.