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How to start in the gym? Beginner's Guide

Knowing how to start in the gym will allow you to avoid injuries as well as reach your goals much faster.

To start in the world of exercise, especially in the world of weights, it is important to know how to start in the gym. It is mainly because there are a large number of machines and tools that will help you work different parts of the body.

It is for this reason that we must have a consultancy or a personal trainer, who will guide us in the process. In the same way, we will leave you below a small guide of advice that you can follow to start training.

How to start exercising in the gym? follow these tips

The advantage of gyms is that we have a wide variety of machines and elements available for our training routines. In addition to this, we always have a pleasant atmosphere, starting mainly with the music.

However, getting started in the gym can be difficult for beginners, because they don't specifically know how each machine works. Take into account the following tips so that you do much better.

Set your goals

When starting in a gym or any training routine, we must set the goals we seek with exercise. That is, define if what we want is to lose weight, increase muscle mass or burn fat to define muscles.

For what purpose? Defining your goals will allow you to know what type of training or which exercises will be most effective to achieve them. This, in knowledge of the great variety that exists in terms of routines.

Seek the services of a trainer

Many times, we believe that searching the Internet for training routines or YouTube channels is enough to know how to start in the gym.

However, the presence of a person who helps us and motivates us, like a coach, will make a difference.

In addition, it will be the one that will be present when you execute an exercise, so that it will be able to indicate the failures in your position. Thus, you will be able to avoid any type of injury derived from a bad posture when lifting weight.

Personal trainers will help you achieve your goals.

On the other hand, it will tell you how much weight you should start with depending on each exercise or muscle group to work. Likewise, they will be in charge of defining your training plan based on the objectives you have when you start the gym.

train with a friend

Several studies have indicated that training with a friend or a partner, generates greater motivation to continue going to the gym. In other words, it translates to more consistency when training, to achieve goals much faster.

Among the colloquial jargon it is known as a "gymbro", which is that training partner who seeks the same goals as you. They can even help each other when doing an exercise that involves a large amount of weight.

Patience and perseverance

One of the things that they do not say about how to start exercising in the gym is that the results take time to arrive in most cases. Therefore, it is important that we have patience, as well as consistency when going to train.

Many times it is likely that we do not have the necessary motivation, but discipline is what will get you out of bed to go to training. In this way, you will be able to reach your goals as soon as possible, as long as you maintain a stable line of perseverance.

Another recommendation is not to believe in false promises, such as products that tell you that you will lose weight in a day. Or in specific exercises that promise to increase muscle mass in a week. No. The key is discipline and patience.

Don't forget the warm up

One of the main problems among beginners in the gym is that they do not warm up or stretch their joints before a workout. It is perhaps the most fundamental routine that we must perform.

It is because, if we will carry a certain amount of weight, our joints are the main affected, so they must be well prepared. Thus, in this way, we will avoid an injury that could leave us out of the gym for several days.

It is worth noting that cardiovascular exercises or routines are not synonymous with stretching. Although they are effective in warming up the body, it is vital that we work each joint separately.

change your diet

Exercise or training is nothing without a change in the eating plan, which must be consistent with the goals you are looking for. For example, if you want to gain size in your muscles, the ideal is a diet with a high protein content.

On the other hand, if you want to lose weight, it is best to avoid excessive consumption of fiber, as well as high-calorie foods.

The change of diet is essential when starting in the gym.

However, the best option is that you go, either with your trained trainer, or with a nutrition professional first-hand.

What is definitive is that the diet must be consistent with your training, so that the goals set can be achieved as soon as possible.

wear workout clothes

Because we will be doing movements that involve a certain range of stretching, it is crucial that we have the right clothing for it. Thanks to that, we will avoid any type of discomfort when performing any exercise.

Also , gym or workout clothes are usually designed to be breathable so that sweat doesn't bother you right away.

Starting the gym at 30, good or bad?

Exercise is an activity recommended by all doctors, at any age, so it doesn't matter if you're in your 30s or 40s. Indeed, it will always be good for the person's health.

What is vital to take into account are the physical characteristics of the person at a certain age. This is because it is a factor to take into account, as it will define your training routine.

But, starting the gym at 30 will allow the person to face the years of his old age with better physical preparation, given the wear and tear on his body. Of course, perseverance should not be lacking for the results to be noticeable.

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