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Foods against constipation: know the most recommended

Learn about the foods to include in a diet to combat constipation.

Digestive health is considered one of the most important, so a diet that includes foods against constipation is essential. In that sense, the presence of fiber, healthy fats and proper hydration will be the pillars of a food plan that helps intestinal transit.

Also, considering that constipation is a digestive problem that is becoming more prevalent, it is essential to change your diet. Continue reading to know the foods to include in your diet.

First know what treats constipation

It is a digestive disorder in which a person makes less than three bowel movements per week, especially due to the lack of fiber in the body.

Currently, it is a fairly present symptom due to the pace of modern life, in which one lives with a great deal of stress. In addition to this, a poor diet full of saturated fat foods with poor hydration.

Also, the increase in sedentary lifestyle combined with bad habits on a day-to-day basis is added. All of this has a direct impact on our digestive system, resulting in constipation.

The importance of fiber in a diet against constipation

If a person is constipated, the main recommendation is to increase fiber intake, as well as improve hydration.

As for fiber, daily consumption will vary according to the physical characteristics of the person, as well as their age and sex. For example, older adults should have a daily intake of 22 to 34 grams of fiber.

Foods against constipation are characterized by their high fiber content.

It should be noted that it is vital that people see a health professional focused on nutrition, in order to develop a balanced eating plan. Likewise, it will be in charge of implementing fiber meals progressively, so that the body adapts to the new diet.

On the other hand, hydration complements fiber consumption, as it helps it to fulfill its functions in the body. In that sense, it is not only about increasing water intake, but it can also be other liquids such as natural juices or vegetable broths.

By staying constantly hydrated, the result is that stools are softer and therefore easier to pass.

Foods for constipation that you should include in your diet

Although it is advisable to consult a nutrition professional for a diet against constipation, you can start by including some foods, such as:

Olive oil

Healthy fats are good for bowel movements, where extra virgin oil is one of the most recommended. Its most important function is to facilitate the passage of food through the intestinal tract, as well as the lubrication of the fecal bolus.


Avocado is presented as one of the best foods against constipation due to its high content of soluble and insoluble fiber.

Thanks to this, it can increase the volume of bowel movements, in addition to working as a prebiotic. Also, it has a large presence of healthy fats.

The best thing is that it is quite a versatile food, so it can be prepared in different ways, and included in different dishes.


Their high fiber content makes them ideal for increasing these levels in the body, in addition to the nutrients they contain. It is recommended to consume at least two prunes a day.

Green bean

Legume that should not be missing from the diet, since it has a high content of vitamins, minerals and, above all, soluble fiber. Therefore, it is an ideal food for the gut microbiota.

But just as the green bean is a nutrient-dense vegetable, so are all of them, which is why a diet against constipation should be high in vegetables.


It is one of the fruits with a high content of soluble fiber, added to the presence of vitamin C. This results in an improvement in intestinal health, facilitating the passage of food through.

One of its functions is to exert prebiotic effects, which is why it nourishes the bacteria in the intestine so that they perform much better.

Similarly, it is recommended to increase the intake of citrus fruits in general, where oranges are also ideal to combat constipation.

flax seeds

Flax seeds are one of the foods for constipation that perform important functions in the intestine. To do this, it is essential to place them in water so that they soak and can release their mucilage.

The mucilages of the flax seeds will be in charge of acting as cleansers of the intestines, thus facilitating the transit of food later.


It is a whole grain that is rich in soluble fiber, which increases the size of the stool, but makes it soft. It also provides different nutrients to the body, which allows maintaining good intestinal health.

Foods to Eliminate to Avoid Constipation

It is not enough to eat those foods high in fiber, but also eliminate foods that alter the diet to combat constipation.

The main thing is to avoid processed foods that only bring consequences for the body. In that list we have sliced bread, cookies, buns or any charcuterie product.

Also, avoid excessive fried foods, such as French fries and fast food from street stalls or large chain restaurants.

Processed foods contribute to the presence of constipation.

Prepared foods are also common causes of constipation, especially those frozen foods that are prepared in the microwave. This generally because they usually contain a high amount of additives, favoring poor intestinal health.

Foods against constipation: menu to combat it

To start implementing fiber-rich foods, the ideal is to divide them among the different meals of the day. Here we leave you an example, although it is recommended that you visit a nutrition professional.

  1. Breakfast : Oat flakes accompanied by natural yogurt and strawberries.

  2. Mid-morning : Wholemeal bread with two slices of avocado and fresh cheese.

  3. Lunch : Chickpea salad with tomato next to a spinach tortilla. Accompany with a pear.

  4. Snack : A handful of nuts and an orange or kiwi.

  5. Dinner : Hake with artichokes and boiled potatoes. Finish with natural yogurt.

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