Exercises to overcome shyness

3 min read

Lose shyness with these natural remedies. all people today have manifested states of shyness at some point. However, shyness can also be a condition of every human being.

According to specialists in the field of medicine, have defined shyness as a state of insecurity in humans, that is acquired since childhood or it is developed by psychological and social aspects of the environment that surrounds them.

Exercises to overcome shyness – Parent Stuff – WebMediums

The shy people, they always feel very insecure, nervous and uncomfortable when expressing their opinions or wishes.

This condition in some cases makes people not interrelated correctly with others.

The majority of the problems of shyness already come from the stage of the childhood and they become acute in the stage of adolescence or adultez, for these are the stages of greater social interaction.

Some of the states of shyness are revealed by a lot of anxiety, sweating in the hands, nerves and exaggerated fear to face new situations.

It is very easy to realize when you are in front of a shy person, because of the aforementioned symptoms. We share information about some remedies or recommendations that are helpful in these cases.

Treatments or Home Remedies

Asparagus, carrot, celery. In a blender put these three ingredients previously, washed, peeled and cut, then sneaks and drink a glass daily, when you are going to face an unexpected situation.

Linden. Cook for 10 minutes linden leaves, prepare the infusion, then strain and take a cup of tea, hours before going to face the situation that generates stress.

Perform relaxing exercises such as putting your feet in warm water for half an hour, then sitting bring the water with gentle massage to the area of ​​the thighs, giving blows or slaps, then slowly raise and lower the legs.

Find a way to have conversation topics that help you break the ice to start talking to you before the other person, practicing at home with family or friends, this is very beneficial.

Investigate topics that you like and maintain a fluent vocabulary with abundant vocabulary, the dictionaries are very helpful, because they give you confidence in yourself.

Practice relaxing exercises such as yoga. Learn to breathe correctly.

Look in the mirror and talk to him, using positive phrases or motivation, for example, I'm important, if I can achieve it, among others. Also, practicing with the mirror will give you more security when talking with others.

Focus on planning successful ways to achieve the goals, remembering those you have already been able to achieve or achieve.

Exercise listening to other people. Prepare dance classes.

Make several exhibitions of topics that please you, in front of family or friends.

In any situation it is helpful to smile.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Ejercicios para vencer la timidez
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