Benefits of doing a diet without flour?
The flour-free diet basically consists of eliminating the consumption of flour, but how healthy is it? Are there any consequences? We will answer these questions and more below.
Why follow a diet without flour?
Choosing this type of diet can have many reasons, for example many people choose it because they are intolerant, have allergies or suffer from some ailment that prevents them from consuming flour. Because of this they feel the need to eliminate this food from their diet.
On the other hand, there is the fact that in many countries, flour is the cause of weight gain.
However, we must bear in mind that this product is very common and can be found in multiple varieties. So in many cases it is difficult to stop eating this food, however, when we manage to do so we can notice how our health improves.
Este tipo de dieta combina, otras dos que son la dieta vegana y la dieta paleo. Para que esta dieta sea exitosa, es importante asegurarnos que los ingredientes sean naturales. Es decir, no
Benefits of a flour-free diet
As we mentioned before, in the market we can find a great variety of flours, the white being the most harmful there is. On the other hand, we must bear in mind that this product is found in a wide variety of preparations such as breads, cookies, cakes, pasta, etc.
With all the aforementioned, we must know that research at Harvard University recommends adding good carbohydrates. Eliminating those that are refined, since they are harmful to health. Among the benefits of having a diet without flour we have;
It allows you to lose weight if you are overweight.
It will make you feel fuller, so you will feel less appetite.
Increase energy levels, as good cholesterol levels will rise.
It allows you to regulate your triglycerides, because the liver will stop creating fat.
Achieve lower insulin levels, preventing health problems from occurring.
It helps prevent diabetes, so it is recommended for people with prediabetes.
Cuando hablamos de la dieta peganhacemos referencia a un régimen alimenticio diseñado por el doctor Hyman. El mismo está diseñado para tener un efecto antiinflamatorio y regulador de la azúcar
It allows improving cardiovascular health, because it avoids problems such as obesity. As well as cholesterol problems, hypertension, arteriosclerosis and gastrointestinal diseases.
It manages to normalize blood pressure, since it reduces the fats that adhere to the arteries.
To all this we must add that it is not advisable to eliminate cereals when we do this type of diet. Keep in mind that these are essential foods, since they provide us with healthy carbohydrates and are slowly absorbed. That is why whole grains should not be eliminated from our diet.