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Consequences of a sedentary lifestyle for health

Today we want to talk to you about the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle on health. It is important that you consider the repercussions of this state, in order to provide your body with the best. If you do it this way, we assure you that you will only have benefits and you will feel happy and healthy.
During these last two years of the pandemic, a sedentary lifestyle has been part of our lives as a protective measure.
The virus called covid-19 forced us to be at home, carrying out our work in a sedentary way. Learn with us how harmful it can be to keep you like this.
What is sedentary lifestyle?
Sedentary lifestyle is the inactive state in which we remain when doing a certain activity that does not require physical effort. These can be watching television, interacting on social networks or simply playing a board game.
In addition, a sedentary lifestyle leads us to spend most of the time sitting, which is part of the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.
It should be noted that the World Health Organization (WHO) defines a sedentary person as one who practices less than 90 minutes of physical activity. In 1994, sedentary lifestyle became considered a health problem.
Effects of a sedentary life
The consequences of a sedentary lifestyle are closely related to diseases that you can develop if you do not decide to change your lifestyle. They can even lead to death if you do not try to attack this way of carrying out daily activities from the root.
Now, how can you improve sedentary lifestyle? How can you include in your life activities that involve physical development? For now, we will tell you why you should not be sedentary and therefore pay attention to the following list:
Sedentary lifestyle produces, mainly, overweight
Obesity is considered one of the most common diseases of the 21st century. In fact, countries like the United States and Mexico have within their population a very high percentage of obese people who suffer from:
Cardiovascular diseases, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
Different types of diabetes.
A weak immune system, which makes people prone to acquiring viruses or diseases more easily than the rest.
Osteoporosis and loss of minerals in the body.
High cholesterol.
Self-esteem problems, since obesity produces a physical change that is not at all pleasing to the eye.
Sedentary lifestyle brings negative feelings such as depression
Another of the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle is that this state produces a considerable increase in negative feelings in the person, which can turn into depression if not treated in time.
Depression is the emotional, psychological and physical state that leads a person to be submerged in insatiable sadness.
Some studies determine that physical activities are capable of generating a kind of satisfaction in those who practice them and otherwise produce depression.
Sedentary lifestyle produces lack of motivation
In general, sedentary people remain in this state because they do not have any physical activity that motivates them. It is important to note that within sedentary lifestyle there are exceptions that must be taken into account.
People who have a physical disability, for example, paraplegics, maintain a sedentary life not for pleasure, but because they have an impediment, however, they themselves can perform physical activities that give a new air to their lives.
A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of dying prematurely
Not having permanent physical activity in your life can lead to a higher risk of dying at a young age.
Studies have revealed that between 20 and 30% of sedentary people can die in just 15 to 40 years if they do not propose to improve their habits.
Through this research, we can see that it is not only about eating correctly, but that it is also more than necessary to mobilize our body so that it continues to develop correctly. If we analyze it better, we were born with the purpose of moving, we are socially active beings.
Sedentary lifestyle affects menopausal women more
Although a sedentary lifestyle affects men and women equally, inactivity leads to a series of health problems for those women who are of menopausal age.
Studies affirm that those women who exercise can improve menopausal symptoms without suffering from them aggressively, however, those who are sedentary cannot.
This is because those women who exercise or walk daily can have greater control over their body, develop greater resistance to pain, their body remains strong, their defenses high and they are able to cope with changes.
Now, we already knew five consequences of a sedentary lifestyle that can give you lights that this way of life is not healthy or correct at all. Certainly, you can do sedentary activities, but this does not mean that they will become the center of your life.
That is why we suggest that in your day to day, you take a moment to walk blocks, run or jog in a park, exercise, ride a bicycle, among others.