Pineapple diet

Disadvantages and contraindications of the pineapple diet

3 min de lectura

Pineapple is a fruit that provides a high dose of vitamins, it is also low in calories. Among its properties is that it is digestive, this is due to its content in bromelain, which is an enzyme that helps improve digestion.

However, the pineapple diet is known as a strict diet. This diet helps detoxify the body and in turn lose weight quickly. However, it is short-lived.

Pineapple diet – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Among the reasons why the pineapple diet is recommended, it is because of its high content of diuretics and antioxidants. In addition, it has an enzyme that allows the body to assimilate proteins and amino acids.

Disadvantages of pineapple diet

Being a diet based only on pineapple, it can bring several disadvantages to people, including:

— Incomplete diet

The pineapple diet is known to be restricted and very limited. Since most of the foods that they consume daily are only based on consuming pineapple.

That is, there is a great lack of vitamins and essential nutrients that the body needs, which other foods can provide. Therefore, it affects the performance of the body, which makes people feel irritated or tired while following this diet.

— Short-term diet

On the other hand, among the disadvantages of this type of diet is that it is of short duration, therefore, this diet should be limited between two or three days per week for two weeks maximum.

Likewise, it is necessary that before starting this diet you have all the necessary information about how it should be applied, how many days it should last and what foods should be combined.

— Food that is consumed in the days after the diet must be monitored

Because the pineapple has the ability to eliminate toxins and liquids that are in the body to be able to medium the urine, most of what the body evacuates is water. For this reason, you should be careful with what you consume during the days after the diet.

Pineapple diet – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

Contraindications to the pineapple diet

Those who suffer from stones or kidney failure can not perform this type of diet. This is because the pineapple has oxalic acid and high amounts of potassium.

So oxalic acid is able to produce salts with other types of mineral compounds that are found inside the body.

Which would make people worsen their condition and at the same time have an accumulation of potassium in their body.

On the other hand, an excess in daily pineapple consumption can lead people to have an accumulation of high amounts of vitamin C in their body.

That is to say, that said vitamin can cause stomach upset such as, for example, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, among other symptoms.

In some cases it can cause irritability in the lips, inner part of the mouth and on the tongue.

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