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I want to be normal and not fat

Several days ago he was looking for comments about people who have problems with their weight. Between searches and investigations several comments with different emotions were found, but the one that caught our attention was this "I want to be normal and not fat."

16 year old girl comment

Really the total content of the comment was this, before all I had to edit it because the writing is very poor:

"Hello everyone, look I'm going to turn 16, before I was bad liver did not eat anything because everything bounced, I thought that would help me finally lose pounds. I'm tired of being fat and my liver is better and now I'm stuffing myself more, I'm fatter and I do not know how to control myself, I'm 1.52 and weigh 65 kg. This is fat before it was stuffed but now it is.

I have cellulite all over my body, I'm tired of crying every night and ask God to do a miracle, I accept that I'm silly when I think about it, but sometimes I do not know what to do with despair and anger.

I got fed up, I got tired of being this way I need help, I do not want to stay fat anymore I want to be normal, help me I do not know if I stick my finger, it's a good choice I do not know what to do ".

Influence of media

As I told you the most chaotic part, now comes the age, a girl of just 16 years feeling this type of trauma is not accepted, I think the problem is really that they did not teach him to live and understand how people who do not work they have knowledge.

The question is why do not people feel good as they are? It is sure that there must be a problem in this situation so that they can not see that being fat, they are still people and not because they are fat are not accepted, it is absurd to think so.

There is a great influence on the part of the media for this kind of nefarious effects that do a lot of damage, since it is better for people who have low self-esteem. Being overweight does not mean it is abnormalit really is the opposite.

Family help is necessary

The surprising thing about all this is that many times this type of trauma or abuse usually occur in the home, where people who are part of a family for making jokes secretly attack the person who is in this situation.

This is not a problem being overweight. If the help for these people had a base from where they live in this case the home, they would never feel this way since they would learn to form their character, for what their parents have taught them. Communication from parents to children is important.

Importance of parental support

Parents must learn how to be people, but this is acquired with good books, from there, the best advice for children who will not feel any rejection for themselves.

The feeling that they are different from the rest does not mean that they are not accepted, it is different because they are special.

The best presentation that a person has is their words, this does not imply image in weight, height, social condition, race among others. If the person has arguments in his brain, it is difficult for your self-esteem to be attacked by people outside your level of knowledge.

An error that most parents make is to speak with contempt about people who are different, without realizing that the size of the child can be an internal point of observation.

They must realize that if they give the mistreatment, that the son will wait outside the house, nothing but that mistreatment.

Consequences of not receiving help from parents or relatives

Boys and girls who do not feel that there is understanding or support inside the home, seek refuge, this is to supplant the love they do not have and sometimes in negative places, especially in gangs. Do not let a problem advance if you have already noticed.

The best way to avoid these cases is to be a friend of the children and communicate with them so that you are part of their world and can easily get them out of any problem they encounter. This with love and affection so that he understands how his surroundings move.

This does not leave them easy prey for Internet networks and advertising that constantly attack the unconscious brain of the person, who are the main causes of certain emotional diseases in these young people.

A guide for these young people is that they know that not everything they present as beautiful and color is real, this is based on models that put the idea that all should be like this, however, no one knows what is behind those thin bodies .

That is why the person is instructed to read a lot from a young age so that they know when they grow up that they are valuable.

If parents from home start with a good emotional and cultural education for their children, they will never have to say "I want to be normal and not fat" because of their physical condition or some trauma.

Thus the person walks with grace and splendor in the street or wherever he goes, without feeling that he is less than anyone because he is fat, yes no, better still happy to be what he is, a person.

Written by

Zootecnista, amante de la música y la moda.

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