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How to avoid parasites at home?
Although parasites are predators par excellence and seek their own hosts to multiply, many times we offer them the means or pave the way for them to multiply in our own home and therefore increase the risk of infection for our children, pets and ourselves. themselves.

Intestinal parasites have become a common problem in our lives and although we try as much as possible not to suffer from them, a small oversight can end our years of peace of mind, so all recommendations on how to take care of intestinal parasites are essential. to always be forewarned.
Tener un parásito puede ser algo aterrador para cualquier persona. Sin embargo, le sorprendería con la frecuencia que los parásitos son responsables de los problemas de la salud de un
To avoid parasites in the home, cleaning it must be special and comply with some health requirements that we sometimes forget but that have always been present in our lives, such as the use of chlorine-based products and the implementation of disinfection.
It is necessary to stop for a moment to review the environment that surrounds us and how we manage our waste, as well as the place where we deposit the garbage.
An important aspect is the use of garbage collectors in areas that are easy to disinfect, many times in the kitchen we have garbage containers and these are not emptied daily but every time the garbage collectors are in the area, serving you as hosts to many bacteria, fungi and especially parasites that reach the site through flies and rodents.
La ascariasis, es producida por el consumo de huevos de parásitos infectados. Esto sucede regularmente cuándo tenemos las manos contaminadas de microbios y no las llevamos a la boca, cuando
An essential piece of advice is to properly disinfect your bathrooms and places where there may be excrement, these when we have pets in the home become more urgent to disinfect since the parasites appear instantly, an additional trick is to take care of the water sources of places with terrible sanitary conditions, since it is the way in which the parasites reach our body.
In the end, you will find that only through proper cleaning will you be able to protect your home from any parasite that wants to start its life cycle, which generally includes humans and pets throughout the process. There are hundreds of ways to avoid parasites in the home, so you should continue to inform us about it.