What is the Spinning for?

4 min read

What is Spinning for? Physical exercise ceased to be a matter only of body aesthetics, it is proven that those who exercise enjoy better health in general. This is the reason why, in recent years, gyms have gained increasing popularity.

Among many alternatives, a trend that sounds strong and carries spinning name, a cycle method capable of providing numerous benefits not only at a physical level, but also at a psychological level.

What is the Spinning for? – Wellness and Health – WebMediums

What is spinning?

The term refers to the type of aerobic exercise practiced to the rhythm of music on static bicycles, inside a closed place.

Another of the particularities of spinning is to be a group activity led by an instructor, for half an hour, which makes it a very entertaining exercise.

Born in 1992 as the idea of ​​the American cyclist and teacher Jonathan Goldberg, and since then, it has become a recommended worldwide trend for those who want to keep fit with a sports practice that also benefits the entire organism.

What is the use of Spinning?

The first reason why the practice is recommended is because it is a method that simply hooks, not only by the calories that can be burned in each session, but by the motivating and fun that results.

The ideal training to lose weight

The reason that moves most people to opt for spinning is losing a few kilos, which is not to refute considering that it is an activity in which inertia exercises part of the work what does this mean? Static bicycles are equipped with a disc that continues to move even after stopping pedaling, which translates to a more natural pedaling without leaving the knee stuck executing the thrust.

Aerobic or anaerobic exercise?

Frequently, spinning is included within the category of aerobic exercises, however, and because the sessions usually incorporate cardiovascular endurance work, interval training and speed training, it can also be seen as anaerobic training.

Adjusted to any need and age

Another particularity that differentiates it from a step session or aerobic is that each participant regulates their resistance according to their physical condition, in addition to being a fairly mechanical and simple movement.

Likewise, spinning bicycles they have different levels of tension, time and resistance, personalizing the exercise according to age and objectives pursued.

Many calories are burned

As it was commented, the caloric expenditure of each session is quite high, round the 500 calories for every 45 minutes, of course, the figure may vary according to the intensity of the exercise, however, in general terms is a calorie burn that exceeds many other types of training.

Benefits the heart

Because it manages to reduce the pulsations at rest, the heart is one of the most favored organs with the practice of sports, but that's not all, it also increases cardiovascular resistance, giving it more strength and avoiding fatigue.

It has little joint impact

Thanks to the minimal impact that spinning has on the knees and joints, its practice is recommended for people with problems associated with them, even those who suffer from arthritis.

Improves muscle tone

Although the training focuses mainly on the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, the fact is that the practice demands movement of the whole body in general, strengthening the legs even more efficiently than the squats, because in the proper position and tension, they will benefit in the same way, calf and abdominal muscles, becoming an ideal exercise to lose abdominal fat.

Strengthens the immune system and bones

Several studies certify the increase of the cells of the immune system in those who practice spinning, although it is a temporary effect, the regularity of the exercise is able to protect against the action of bacteria, viruses, and even certain types of cancer.

On the other hand, it provides benefits to the bone tissue, providing the bones with greater resistance.

Produce chemicals of happiness

The amount of endorphins and serotonin released during a spinning session gives the body energy, staying encouraged after practicing the sport; This is achieved both avoid depression, keep stress at bay, and improve mood.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Para que sirve el Spinning
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